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Caracas and chlorinated chicken: Boris Johnson's first PMQs clash with Jeremy Corbyn
Corbyn and Johnson clash over no-deal Brexit: 'Anti-democratic and unconstitutional'
Iran news: Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn in heated PMQs row over Iran crisis
Boris Johnson's best PMQs moments through the years
Boris Johnson's first PMQs in full
Corbyn appears to call May a 'stupid woman' during PMQs
Corbyn: "Prime Minister must face Parliament"
MPs reject Boris Johnson's call for general election on 15 October
Lors de débats houleux au Parlement britannique, Boris Johnson s'en est pris à Jeremy Corbyn
'I'd rather be dead than ask for a delay': Boris Johnson's speech after Commons defeat
'**** or bust' | Boris Johnson swears during PMQs
Should you eat chlorinated chicken after Brexit?